Curriculum Vitae


Ph.D. – University of Ottawa, Canada.

B.A. Estudios Literarios - Universidad Javeriana, Colombia.        


City University of New York, Lehman College - Associate Professor


Spanish – Native speaker

English – Near native proficiency

French – Near native proficiency



León de Greiff: tradición literaria y cartografías cosmopolitas. Purdue UP, 2023.

Co-editor - Growing Up In Latin America: Child And Youth Agency In Contemporary Popular Culture. Lexington, 2022.

Co-editor - Violencia, poder y afectos: Narrativas del miedo en Latinoamérica. Tamesis, 2022.

Co-editor - Narrativas del miedo: Terror en obras literarias, cinemáticas y televisivas de Latinoamérica. Peter Lang, 2018.


2024     “A Laboratory of Experimental Ethics: Digital Cosmopolitanism in Samantha Schweblin’s KentukisMigrating Minds: Journal of Cultural Cosmopolitanism. Vol 2. Issue 1: 50-71.

2023     “Importar poesía China a Colombia vía Francia: Traducción y chinoiseries en Catay de Guillermo Valencia” Revista Siglo XIX. Edited by Dr. Emilio Ocampos. Vol.29: 439-475.

2020     “León de Greiff: viajero inmóvil y nómada intelectual”. Special issue “Escrituras nómadas en la literatura contemporánea en lengua española”. Revista ILCEA – Université de Grenoble-Alpes.

2020     “Voyageur manqué et cosmopolite de fauteuil : le cas León de Greiff” Revue Astrolabe. Université Aix Marseille & Université Clermont Auvergne. CELIS.

2020     “Keatseans in Argentina: Borges’ Nightingale and Cortázar’s Chameleon.” Article in Romantic Praxis Journal’s special issue on “Latin American Afterlives of the British Romantics.”

2018     “La historia de mis dientes de Valeria Luiselli: el relato como mercancía y una nueva propuesta de novela de archivo” Revista Hispanófila.

2018     “La poesía pastoril de Julio Herrera y Reissig: tensiones entre la arcadia y la industrialización.” Chasqui Revista de Literatura.

2016 “Marginalidad del artista y reivindicación cosmopolita. León de Greiff lee a François Villon” Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos.

2016     “León de Greiff. Intertextos medievales de su poesía” Revista de Estudios de Literatura Colombiana. Universidad de Antioquia. Número 38.


2022     “Introduction. Relational Agency of Minors in Latin American Narratives.” Growing Up In Latin America: Child And Youth Agency In Contemporary Popular Culture .

2022     “Agency and Learning from the Edges: Everyone Leaves As a Female Novel of Formation in Post-Soviet Cuba” Growing Up In Latin America: Child And Youth Agency In Contemporary Popular Culture.

2022     “Una historia contada dos veces: Los residuos del miedo en La Hora Azul y La Pasajera de Alonso Cueto”. Violencia, poder y afectos: Narrativas del miedo en Latinoamérica.

2022     “Introducción. Narrativas del miedo: Consideraciones históricas y definiciones conceptuales.” Violencia, poder y afectos: Narrativas del miedo en Latinoamérica.

2020     “Beauty Is a Wound: Retelling Modern Indonesia’s History Through Magical Realism.” Transpacific Literary and Cultural Connections: Latin American Influence in Asia. Ed. Jie Lu and Martin Camps. Palgrave Macmillan.

2018     “Configuraciones del miedo en El ruido de las cosas al caer de Juan Gabriel Vásquez y Los ejércitos de Evelio         Rosero.” Narrativas del miedo: Terror en obras literarias, cinemáticas y televisivas de Latinoamérica. Peter Lang.


Spanish to English

2019     Julio y John, Caminando y Conversando: Selections from Imagen de John Keats. Collaborative translation with Olivia Moy. This publication includes selected fragments from Julio Cortázar’s Imagen de John Keats. Published by Lost and Found. The CUNY Poetics Document Initiative.

French to Spanish

2016     Translation of Nicolas Dawson’s short story “Cerro Alegre” included in the bilingual anthology Objets trouvés/Objetos perdidos. Montréal, Éditions Urubu.

2021     Translation of Karine Rosso’s short story “Leo y Sábato” included in the bilingual anthology Aller simple /Sin retorno. Montréal, Éditions Urubu.


2021     Conversation with Cristina Rivera Garza. Event organized by the Mexican Studies Institute – CUNY as part of the Feria Internacional del Libro de Nueva York 2021.


Book project - Latin American Cosmopolitanisms: Planetary Responsibilities and Global Imaginaries.

Co-translation of Julio Cortazar’s Imagen de John Keats. From Spanish to English.


Head Editor for the journal CIBERLETRAS (Revista de crítica de literaria y de cultura)     

Co-editor for the special issue on “Latin American Afterlives of the British Romantics” for the academic journal Romantic Praxis.

Article reviewer for: Revista de Estudios Hispánicos, Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos, Revista de Estudios Colombianos, Revista Estudios de Literatura Colombiana, Revista Virtual Historelo Universidad Nacional de Colombia.



2023 Keynote speaker for the XXVII LAILAC CUNY Graduate Student Conference “En Trance: Corpografías, cosmopolíticas & geopoéticas.” Title of the conference: “Éticas cosmopolitas y responsabilidades planetarias: imaginarios globales en la literatura latinoamericana contemporanea“

2023     Invited to present the book Growing Up In Latin America: Child And Youth Agency In Contemporary Popular Culture at the 1st Coloquio Internacional en Estudios de la Niñez organized by Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala.

2023     Guest lecturer at Ottawa University. Invited by Professor Jorge Carlos Guerrero to his class on Contemporary Latin American novels. Presentation: “Digital Cosmopolitanisms in Samantha Schweblin’s novel Kentukis.”

2022     Guest lecturer at Barnard College. Invited by Professor Emily Sun to her class on Literary Translation. Invited along with Prof. Olivia Moy. Topic of the seminar: Translating Julio Cortázar’s Imagen de John Keats.

2021     Guest speaker at University of Wisconsin-Madison. Invited by the Middle Modernity Group. Talk presented along with Prof. Olivia Moy. Title of the talk: “The Cortázar – Keats Continuum.”

2021     Guest lecturer for the Seminar Cinematic Productions of Spain & Latin America at the University of Waterloo, Canada. I was invited to speak on the Colombian film Birds of Passage (2018) and cinematic representations of Indigenous peoples on contemporary Latin American cinema.

2020     Invited speaker for the New CUNY Voices series. Organized by the Ph.D. Program in Latin American, Iberian, and Latino Cultures program. “León de Greiff: cartografías cosmopolitas y reorganizaciones del archivo literario.”

2019     Guest speaker at the III Activism in Academia conference. Graduate Center, CUNY. “Adelitas: Women Warriors of the Mexican Revolution.”

2015     Guest Speaker for the Symposium on Pastoral literature Si Canimus Silvas organized by the Comparative Literature Department and the Italian Specialization at the Graduate Center, CUNY. “Latin American ‘modernismo’ and the Pastoral. The case of Herrera y Reissig”

2014     Guest keynote speaker at Universidad del Quindio, Colombia. Keynote address : “León de Greiff y la tradición literaria”


2024     “Twice Unpublished: The Untranslatability of Julio Cortázar’s Imagen de John Keats.” Paper presented at LASA as part of the panel “Un-Popular Cortázar” Bogotá, Colombia.

2024     “A Viking Lost in the Tropics: León de Greiff’s Scandinavian Poetic Genealogy” XII Nolan Conference. Copenhagen, Danmark.

2024     “Competing cosmopolitanisms in Laura Restrepo’s Canción de Antiguos Amantes NeMLA Conference. Boston, MA.

2024     “Sobre las traducciones francesas de Darío: “Pensar en francés y escribir en castellano” … ¿y retraducir en francés?” Simposio internacional “Rubén Darío: el archivo y la vida” organized by University of Notre Dame.

2023     “Digital cosmopolitanism and caring for strangers in Samantha Schweblin’s novel Little Eyes (2018)” Paper presented for the panel “Latin American Cosmopolitanisms: Vernacular, Ethical, and Ecological Views of Globality.” ACLA Conference. Chicago, IL.

2023    “The Untranslated Cosmopolitan: León de Greiff’s Paradox” Paper presented for the panel “Out of Language: Translation and Cosmopolitanism in Latin America.” NeMLA Conference. Niagara Falls, NY.

2022     “Compassion and Cosmopolitan Ethics in Cesar Vallejo’s Poetry.” Paper to be presented in the panel “From Revolt to Utopia: Interwar Writing and the Avant-gardes in Latin America (1910-1940).” NeMLA Conference. Baltimore, MD.

2021     “Isabel Zapata’s Una ballena es un país: World Belonging in the Ecosystem of the World” Paper presented in the panel “Latin American Cosmopolitanisms: Vernacular, Ethical, and Ecological Views of Globality.” NeMLA Conference. Philadelphia, PA.

2020     “Piedad Bonnet’s Empathetic Cosmopolitanism: Poetic Ethics in A World of Strangers.” Paper presented in the panel “Latin American Cosmopolitanisms: Mapping Global Literary Networks.” NeMLA Conference. Boston, MA.

2019     “María Mercedes Carranza. Sobre la muerte propia y la muerte del otro” Paper presented at the 20th Conference of the Asociación de   Colombianistas. Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia.

2019     “Todos se van y el bildungsroman femenino: el diario como narrativa fragmentaria y estructura de aprendizaje.” Paper presented at LASA 2019 as part of the panel “Crecer en Latinoamérica.” Boston, MA.

2019     “La historia de mis dientes de Valeria Luiselli: el relato como mercancía y una nueva propuesta de novela de archivo” Paper presented in the International Academic Symposium “Imaginarios económicos: Imaginarios económicos en la literatura y el cine de España y Latinoamérica”. Lehman College. New York. NY

2019     “León de Greiff: A Cosmopolitanism of the margins.” Paper presented be in the panel “Latin American Cosmopolitanisms: Mapping Global Literary Networks.” NeMLA Conference. Washington D.C.

2018     “Fear in The Cities, Fear in The Fields: Political Terror in Colombian Contemporary Novels” Paper to be presented at the 2018 Conference of the Society for Comparative Literature and the Art. Sam Houston State University.

2017     “Keatseans in Argentina: Borges and Cortázar” Paper presented at the North American Society for the  study of Romanticism (NASSR). Ottawa, Canada.

2017     “China en la poesía colombiana” Paper presented at the 20th Conference of the Asociación de Colombianistas. University of San Diego.

2016     “Circulación de bienes culturales y “mal de archivo” en La historia de mis dientes de Valeria Luiselli” Paper         presented at the International Conference “Creadores, editores, coleccionistas y traductores: mercados culturales y políticas del conocimiento en el mundo hispánico” organized by Universitas Castellae and McGill University. Valladolid, Spain.

2016     “Representaciones del miedo en dos novelas colombianas contemporáneas: El ruido de las cosas al caer y Los ejércitos.” Paper presented at the 47th Convention of the NeMLA.

2015     “León de Greiff. La ruptura con el pasado y la tradición inventada” Paper presented at the XIX Congreso de la Asociación de Colombianistas.

2012     “Le modernisme latino-américain et la notion de la tradition littéraire” Paper presented at Colloque Génération(s) organized by the Faculté de Lettres Françaises of McGill University.

2011     “De sobremesa. Novela escrita a la manera modernista” Paper presented at the conference “Realismo y decadentismos en la literatura hispánica” organized by Universitas Castellae and McGill University.

2010     “El erotismo en Consejero de Lobo de Rodolfo Hinostroza” Participation in the series of conferences in the  “Homage to Rodolfo Hinostroza”. Organized by University of Ottawa and San Marcos University. Peru. 


2023    Panel organizer for the session “Latin American Cosmopolitanisms: Vernacular, Ethical, and Ecological Views of Globality.” ACLA Conference. Chicago, IL.

2021     Panel organizer for the session “Latin American Cosmopolitanisms: Vernacular, Ethical, and Ecological Views of Globality.” NeMLA Conference. Philadelphia, PA.

2021     Panel organizer for the session “Growing up in Latin America: Narratives of Precarity, Postcolonialism, and Violence” NeMLA Conference. Philadelphia, PA.

2020     Panel organizer for the session “Latin American Cosmopolitanisms: Mapping Global Literary Networks”       NeMLA Conference. Boston, MA.

2019     Panel co-organizer for the session “Perspectivas sobre la poesía colombiana: la guerra, la violencia y el duelo” Conference of the Asociación de Colombianistas. Universidad Los Andes. Bogotá, Colombia.

2019     Panel organizer for the session “Latin American Cosmopolitanisms: Mapping Global Literary Networks.” NeMLA Conference. Washington D.C.

2018     Panel organizer for the session “Landscapes of Fear: Representations of Terror and Trauma in Latin American Literature, Films, and Art”. Conference of the Society for Comparative Literature and the Arts, “Monstrosity and the Topography of Fear”. Sam Houston State University.

2017     Panel organizer for the session “Colombia-Asia: diálogos literarios” 20th Conference of the Asociación de       Colombianistas. University of San Diego.


2021     Member of the Advising Committee for the Feria Internacional del Libro Ciudad de Nueva York. Organized by the Mexican Studies Institute – CUNY.

2019     Organizer of the symposium “Imaginarios económicos en la literatura y el cine de España y Latinoamérica”. Lehman College – CUNY. New York, April 2019. 

2017     Organizer of the symposium “Representaciones de la moda y el vestido en las literaturas hispánicas”. Lehman College – CUNY. New York, April 2017. 

2016     Organizer of the First Hispanic Film Festival at Lehman College in September 2016.


2019 – 2022   Director of the M.A. Spanish Program at Lehman College

2019 – 2022   Member of the College Senate at Lehman College

2016 – 2022   Administrator of the Lehman College Spanish Foundation finances account

2016 – 2018    Member of the Personnel and Budget Committee of the Department of Languages and Literatures

2015 – 2016    Member of the Arts and Humanities Department Curriculum Development Committee


Conducting model class and pedagogic workshop for adjuncts and faculty at the Department of Languages and Literatures.

Working Across the Curriculum (WAC) year-long workshop on the development of task-based, writing-oriented, and critical thinking-fostering teaching strategies.

Workshop on Online Education. Lehman College - Office of Online Education